My name is Ron Clark. I am the Co-Director for Agape Community Ministries. I am also an adjunct Bible instructor at George Fox University.

I grew up moving often. My dad was a B-52 flight instructor and pilot. He did two tours in Viet Nam. Sometimes we moved three times in one year. My younger brother and I had to make new friends on a regular basis. When my dad retired from the USAF we moved to Minnesota and then later Missouri. I finished high school there as my dad went to college to be a psychologist and my mom finished her teaching degree.

I attended Central Missouri State University focusing on a pre-veterinary degree program and ran cross country and track. After 3 years, I was accepted into Veterinary School at the University of Missouri.

I was struggling in my grades and wondering if I would finish the semester. An Engineering major knocked on my dorm room door and invited me to a Bible Study. He invited 100 people and I was the last. I was also the only one to come to the study. I was baptized one month later. I was dismissed from the Vet program due to grades, but I knew God was with me. I returned to Central Missouri, finished degrees in Biology and Chemistry, and baptized some of my best friends.

After graduation I began to work with a small church, met and married Lori, went into ministry, and later attended Harding School of Theology in Memphis to finish my Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry.

While preaching in a small town in Missouri, Lori and I became connected with our local Abuse Shelter. They trained Lori and spent time teaching me about abuse and healthy relationships. Our church, elders, and members began helping those in the shelter. As we left Missouri, the shelter staff challenged us to continue our work in abuse. We were eager to do this because we knew that Jesus had called us to Portland.

We moved to Portland where I began preaching for a larger church that was growing quickly. We worked with local agencies in the city, our county, and throughout the state. The local advocates invited us to join various task forces, attend certification training, speak at national events, and provided help we needed. When we planted the Agape Church of Christ, many of our colleagues worked with us to support us in this new church. We saw firsthand how community involvement was key to missional ministry and leadership.

I have also worked with professors and Religion scholars in publishing, mentoring younger scholars, practical theology, and bridging the gap between ministry and academics. Through teaching, writing, and conference presentations addressing social justice and Biblical texts, we are experiencing the power that God’s story has with people. However, my favorite work is leading trainings concerning abuse with my wife Lori as well as helping people in support groups explore Biblical narratives for healing.

After four years as Executive Director for Kairos Church Planting, God has called us to focus on the domestic violence ministry and the houseless community ministry we have done for 15 years.

I love where we live, my city, my neighborhood, and our neighbors. I have especially enjoyed being a wrestling official and working to mentor many of the younger men and women who are growing as officials. I also work with attorneys to defend victims in court and our legal system.

We live in a world where leadership is necessary, and people need to love others, which includes speaking out and protecting those who are vulnerable in our world.

Please reach out to us if you would like to develop similar ministries, serve with our Agape Blitz ministry, or are needing resources for Domestic and Sexual Abuse.
God Bless You This Week
Ron Clark

Ron Clark
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